I just finished Katherine Pancol's book " Une Si Belle Image" , a book of revelation, the biography appears to be a novel, Katherine Pancol tried to look behind the image: An image constructed minute by minute, an image very perfect, too perfect: Of Jacqueline Bouvier Kennedy Onassis. Fascinated by this research, Katherine Pancol immersed herself in vast literature composed by many books, but also testimonies and confessions. She was interested in Jackie's entourage, including Black Jack, her father. Katherine Pancol wanted to see beyond appearances, this is not the simple icon Jackie Kennedy. It is not a coincidence that the book begins November 25, 1963. Since that day, the President of the United States' wife, one of the youngest and most beautiful First Lady, saw the fate of her husband's crash. She never ceased to contribute to the legend of the President, and collateral damage to her own.

The book brought my curiosity to her New York apartment where she spent she most of her life 1964 until her death, May 1994-

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